Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday Morning

We're up early today to catch the shuttle from the Stanford Guest House to the hospital. Today, Jon goes through all of the pre-op preparations. We meet with the surgical admission team at 9:00 here/11:00 your time. Then at 1:00 Jon is scheduled for an echocardiogram. Then we're hoping to hookup with Mom and Dad to go get a late lunch before meeting with Dr. Miller. Jon wants to get in a really good meal before the surgery as he's not sure what his diet and desire for food will be after his operation. Jon does love his food :). Jon is almost sure what valve he wants but wants to talk face to face with Dr. Miller before making his final decision.

I think we are in the smallest hotel room ever! One of us needs to leave just so the other can change their mind! The tiny room is nice and while Jon enjoys his deluxe accommodations at the hospital the mini non-deluxe accommodations are fine for me. Once Jon leaves the hospital we are upgrading to a larger room.

I'll write more later. Love to you all.

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