Monday, September 14, 2009

Picnic in the park

Had such a nice picnic today. Jessi and Nikki invited Jon and I and Jon's parents to a picnic at Central Park in Roseville. Jessi made egg bake and a tomato, goat cheese spread with these little squares of toasted bread, yum yum! Remembering her dad's love of Rice Crispy treats, Nikki brought enough to make Jon smile. Jon and I both enjoyed the time we got to spend with Henry taking the opportunity to take him on a short walk. He is one handsome grandson! Jon's mom and dad were very happy to have some alone time with Nikki and Jessi. Jacob hasn't been feeling well the last few days and has run a fever so he couldn't join us. Jon and I and his GGs were bummed but as soon as we get home from California we hope that the girls and their families will come to see their dad. It was sad when we left the park. The girls both know what is coming this week and gave both of us extra long hugs.

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