Sunday, September 20, 2009

Third Day - Second Update

Hi Everyone,

Today was a different day than the last few. Since I was in Jon's room all day instead of short visits every 2 hours I was keenly aware of what was going on with Jon and could ask questions about medications, comfort levels, nausea and his heart rate.

First off, the nausea is getting better. He still has some issues but I think/hope he is over the worst of it. Jon has eaten some food, not a lot but a little. He is now getting a pill form of pain medication which lasts longer and helps him sleep. He is still getting nausea medication when he gets his pain medication. Jon told me he didn't sleep much if any last night and he had been running a low fever which is gone now but was a bit of an issue last night. Another thing that is concerning me is his heart rate which is running 117-120 bpm. Jon's Dad was concerned as well and said something to the nursing staff. They had already noted his heart rate and it could be just that Jon had just had surgery but they decided give Jon a beta blocker and a drug call albumin which is a protein that will take the fluid that is built up in Jon's tissues to his blood vessels and hopefully it will lower Jon's heart rate. The medication was started at 6:00 pm and by the time I left an hour later his heart rate was down to 107-110. Jon is also sporting a nitro patch which is a vaso (sp?) dialator that helps make it easier for Jon's heart.

Jon got up to sit in his chair. No big deal getting up and moving to the chair but he got very dizzy and couldn't stay up very long, only about 15 minutes. Getting back in bed is very painful. It hurt him so bad that he broke out in a cold sweat and was very pale. There was a nurse there helping Jon and made sure he was ok. The pain was very bad. Jon said that Dr. Miller was right, he never wants to go through this again.

All in all Jon is doing very well and I will be by his side bright an early tomorrow morning. The nurse told me I can come anytime I want. She said that Jon does much better when I'm there in his room.

I am hoping Jon gets moved to a private room in a day or so. Jon's roommate has had a lot of company and I wish they would talk in softer voices, they keep waking Jon up. I'm probably being silly but I think Jon will be more comfortable without so many people coming and going and talking so loud.

I will write more tomorrow. Who knows, maybe the next blog update will come from Jon himself!


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