Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fifth Update

We were able to see Jon one last time tonight at 10:00. He is coming out of the anesthesia (I'm not really sure I'm spelling that correctly, sorry), and was fighting and trying to pull the breathing tube out of his mouth so the nurse had to put him in restraints. She assured me that his response was normal and he would be ok. As we were leaving they had started the process of removing the breathing tube which will make Jon much more comfortable. They want to get the breathing tube out as soon as possible to avoid an infection in his lungs. I started to talk to him and tell him that he did great and that everything was ok. That his girls and everyone else in our lives were pulling for him and were sending good thoughts his way. He quieted down. I think he knew I was there. Jon's Dad said that he was surprised that Jon's vitals were so good (Jon's Dad was a scrub nurse in the service when he was younger). While Jon is in the ICU, we can only visit him for 1/2 hour every 2 hours starting at 10 am and the family waiting area filled up to capacity today so I plan on being at the hospital tomorrow morning by 8:30. I feel better being close to Jon, even if it's in a waiting room. It was very hard leaving Jon there tonight. Signing off for tonight deb

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates Deb. Hope you got some sleep last night.

    Tell Jon I love his feisty need to pull the tube himself.

    We love you!
