Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Last Post For a While...

We are back at the hotel for the evening. Mom, Dad, Deb, and I just met with the surgeon. Dr. Miller still thinks mechanical is the wise choice and Medtronic Freestyle is definitely out (not safe for a re-operation). Medtronic Mosaic is the best tissue option, St. Jude mechanical is the best overall option (for long term surgical outcomes). Long term durability of transcatheter is still uncertain. I have until tomorrow morning to make my final decision, but based on everything so far I'm back to leaning toward the mechanical. I can't imagine having to go through this again in 10-15 years (I don't want to do it this time!). The dosage of Coumadin I have to take is very low and about as minimally problematic as it can get. The clicking of the valve is something to consider, but less of a problem than it used to be. I have some stuff to sleep on.

Haven't heard anything from the hospital to indicate I can't have the surgery tomorrow (blood tests, etc) so the roller coaster is just about to the top of the first massive hill. We have to be at the hospital by 5:00 and surgery begins at 7:30 AM Pacific time. Dr. Miller is clearly the right guy to do this and his team is also very good and reassuring. Here we go!

We have heard from many of you and we appreciate all the good thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. This is all pretty much out of our hands now. We are counting on your continued support to keep the energy wave coming our way! Keep it up and we will catch up with you on the other side. Look for updates from Deb for a while. She gets to carry all the load for now!



  1. ok guys my prayers are with both of you along with a lot of love will watch for the updates and sis i am here day or night if you want to or need to talk again love to you both

  2. I was thinking about you this morning on my drive in to work. I said a little prayer for you. I'm sure many here at Medtronic will be thinking about you and sending you positive energy all day. Best of luck, you are in good hands. Deb, thinking about you as well, you are also in a very difficult place for a while.

  3. Jon, I know you're in good hands - under Dr. Miller's care, and with Deb by your side. I've been praying for both of you, with the difficult choices you've had to make, and that everything goes without a hitch today.

    Love ya both!

  4. Good luck Jon and Deb. Our thoughts are with you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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