Monday, September 21, 2009

Forth Day - Second Update

Greetings from California! Today has been pretty eventful so far. Jon's catheter has been removed already and his chest tube will be removed in a little while. When I asked him how he felt about his catheter being removed he said "ouch". Don't think having a catheter removed is a fun experience. Jon's lungs are clear and he's been doing his breathing exercises. He ate all of his breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs, coffee and juice. He is on 25mg of Lassix (sp?), a baby aspirin and atenenal and his nitro patch has been removed. Jon has gone for x-rays and has been up for a little walk. He is having some trouble with dizziness. They are switching his pain medication in hopes that it will ease his dizzy head a bit. The bandage covering his incision has been removed and he is going to be sporting one dozy of a scar but it's not really so bad. I looked at it and wasn't grossed out. Jon's Mom and Dad stopped by this morning for a visit and then they gave me a lift to Sears as I needed to pick up something. Then we went back to the hospital and had a quick lunch. Mom and Dad decided to head back to the hotel for a nap and I'll hang out here for the rest of the day. The folks will be back later. For lunch today Jon has had apple sauce and ice cream and I'm hoping he'll eat a few grapes later on. His nausea seems to be pretty much gone now, thank goodness. Tonight Jon's daughters are going to call. Jon is really looking forward to hearing from them. Well, I'm going to head back into Jon's room. I'll write more later. deb

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