Sunday, September 20, 2009

Third Day - First Update

Hello Everyone, I'm happy to report that Jon has been moved out of the ICU into the IICU. Everything is going well. Before he was moved he was given a unit of blood. He is still having nausea problems and hasn't had anything to eat since Thursday evening. The nurse (don't know her name yet), will be trying to get Jon to try Jello or maybe a saltine. The thought is that if he gets something in his stomach the nausea will go away but he's just not wanting to eat anything so the nurse is going to really encourage him to try something anyway. Worse thing that can happen is he would vomit and that's nothing new, he's done that already several times. To me, nausea is almost worse than pain. Jon has also had the big IV in his neck removed. Not as many machines connected to him anymore. I'm with Jon's Mom and Dad and we're waiting for Jon to get settled in his new room. I am also working on having Jon moved to a private room. There was one private room available but the gentleman that had the double lung transplant got first dips on that, can't argue with that logic. We're hoping a private room will open up tomorrow. Mom and Dad are going to take a little shopping trip this afternoon. They're going to see if they can find Jon a robe and Dad wants to find Jon a new tie died shirt. We saw one in the cafeteria today and I mentioned that Jon would like it. Dad said that if he can find it, he's going to pick one up for him. Jon sends his love to Jessi and Nikki and their families, hugs and kisses all around. Jon also wants to say "Hi Everybody!" I'll write more later. deb

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