Thursday, September 10, 2009

One Week and Counting

One week from tonight, we will be in California preparing for surgery in the morning. We will have our meeting with the Dr. Miller next Thursday evening where we can ask all those last minute questions we have about the procedure. Hopefully, Jon will have decided whether to go with the mechanical or the tissue valve at this meeting. Final instructions will be confirmed. Barring any extraordinary circumstances, the journey through this curve ball of life, will be all but at our doorstep. Trepidation is rising, but that seems somehow normal. If something like this doesn't scare you, something else would probably be wrong with you :-)

My parents are traveling to Stanford University with us and will be with us for about a week. They will be a comfort to Deb during her hours of uncertainty and waiting. I'll be a bit preoccupied, so they will have lots to talk about. Once I wake up, I'm sure we'll have some wonderful conversations that I won't remember anything of. Hopefully, they can share them with me after my lucidity returns (maybe it will increase over it's present level?).

Three work days left for Jon, two for Deb, and one more weekend. Dad and I put the pontoon into storage for the season on Tuesday this week. The to do list is getting shorter, which is good because there isn't a lot of room (or rather time) on it for many more items.

Wow, time is really flying by now!


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