Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Home, Sweet, Home!

We just arrived safe and sound in our home! We stopped on the way home from the airport to have dinner with Mom and Dad at the Log Cabin. Flight was uneventful and smooth and ahead of schedule.

Discomfort levels have been rising the last two days, not sure why. Have a doctors appt. with my family practice doc tomorrow morning, so we will talk about it and check it out then. Could be that the pain medicine effects are wearing off, or maybe the healing process is reaching a "normal" point. Discomfort is not with the incision or heart related, but rather abdominal and feels like tight muscles. Maybe I need to use some ice and/or heat to keep things loose (and maybe that last touchdown on Sunday cost me more than I realized :-)

Libby and Emma are very happy to see us. Dakota comes home tomorrow from his "extra" care place.

We had a great, big banner on our garage door when we arrived home welcoming us back. We understand Kelly and Molly may have been behind this one, but we need to confirm. There was also a collection of fruit and other food products in the kitchen and refrigerator as well as some nice flowers. We aren't sure who to thank for these, but we will find out.

Also, Wally and Carol Ostlie left us a nice plant to help brighten the place up.

It is truly a blessing to once again be at home!

Thanks everyone for getting us this far down the road -- you are all the very best friends and family we could have ever hoped to have!


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