Friday, September 18, 2009

Here We Go

Hi everyone, Jon has just been taken to the OR. We have been reassured by everyone that Jon is in good hands, those hands being Dr. Miller's. Jon, I and Jon's Mom and Dad had a long informative talk with Dr. Miller last night. Dr. Miller is very straightforward doctor which we all appreciated. Dr. Miller strongly recommended Jon get the mechanical valve and after hearing that the amount of Coumadin would be very low, surgery would be simpler and chances of having to have another open heart surgery in his lifetime low, Jon decided to go with the mechanical valve. Just having that decision took a load off of Jon's mind. Jon and I were up at 3:00 am this morning, we caught a cab at 4:30 and were at the hospital at 4:50am. We were the first to arrive to the patient registration area. Jon was taken to the prep area at 5:15, and I was able to join him at 6:05. The nurse that took me back to him was very nice and commented that Jon was her favorite patient this morning as he didn't much if any chest hair that needed to be shaved off. His first line was put in at 6:40 and they had a bit of trouble getting it going. Jon's veins were being shy this morning. Jon was in good spirits. He asked me to give his Mom and Dad a big hug and told me what he told his daughters Jessi and Nikki last night, we will be the last thoughts he has before his surgery and the first thoughts he has once he is awake. As his doctors came to wheel him into surgery I gave him a kiss from all of us to take with him. I am now in the NICU waiting room. I was startled to see several people sleeping on the floor. I bet they had a tough night. The rest of us are trying to keep ourselves together and we all seem to share the same look, we all have the watchful eyes of the scared spitless. Jon's Mom and Dad will be keeping me company today. I will write more later and will post this email on our blog. Thank you all for your support and prayers. deb__

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