Saturday, September 19, 2009

Second Day - Third Update

Hello everyone, Jon has sat in his chair today which is great. He is still having a lot of trouble with nausea and is getting anti-nausea drugs when he gets his pain medicine. Good news, Jon will be moving out of the ICU tomorrow. He will be moving to the IICU which is Intermediate Intensive Care Unit. As I mentioned before, Jon's Dad was a surgical nurse in the service and he said that the best thing for Jon right now is for him to rest so we kept our visits to 3 times today. It was very hard for me to leave because I didn't want to leave Jon there alone but I knew that Dad was right and we need to do what's best for Jon. I will be catching the shuttle the first thing tomorrow morning and will see Jon at 10:00 am. On another note, it's going to be crazy hot here the next few days. They are predicting temps in the upper 90's to low 100's. Thank God and Greyhound for air conditioning! Jon sends his best to everyone and when he is in a regular room out of the IICU I am planning on reading him all of your emails. Thank you all for your good words and thoughts. Will send more updates tomorrow. deb

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