Saturday, September 19, 2009

Second Day - First Update

Hello Everyone! Good news all the way around. Jon is awake and alert. For my niece the nurse (Selena), Uncle Jon's first words were "Hi, how are you?". He has a big smile and says he's feeling pretty good considering. He had some water and juice this morning. He said the apple juice was the best he ever tasted. He also had some Jello but couldn't keep it down. He said he's very hungry which is a good sign. Jon hasn't required a lot of pain medicine but while we were visiting he started having some pain issues. They must have been bad because Jon was starting to shake. His nurse Vickie was busy with another patient who had a double lung transplant a few days ago. I flagged her and asked for Jon's pain medication. Jon is on Heperrine (sp?), he can have it once an hour if he needs it. The nurse will get Jon up today and sitting in a chair, around lunch time. He can then start on pain medication in pill form which lasts longer. Vickie said that they will begin removing some of the lines this morning. Jessi and Nikki, your Dad sends his love to you both. When Jon's Mom and Dad dropped us at the hotel Wednesday night, we were all pretty much done in and Jon forgot to give his Mom a hug which bothered them both that they forgot. Jon made it a point to give and get a hug from his Mom this morning. More later, deb

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