Monday, September 14, 2009

Last Day at Work (For A While)

Today is our last day at work, for a while. Deb will be off for three or four weeks and Jon will be off until approximately Thanksgiving. Very strange feeling walking out today and thinking about what is ahead of us next. Our routine has been seriously disrupted and won't get back to anything resembling normal for quite some time. We are staying home tomorrow to pack, make sure we have everything to take with us, and have an opportunity if we've forgotten anything important to still have a chance to recover. Have to drop off one of the cats (Dakota) at a kitty kennel so he can be watched to make sure his urinary issues are truly solved and don't flare up again. Have to make a quick trip to Mounds View for Deb to drop off some StampIn Up stuff at Medtronic. While we are there we will meet with one of the program managers for Medtronic tissue valves to get one more shot of data to help us make our final decision. Dinner tomorrow night with Mom & Dad and then home to bed so we can get up bright and early Wednesday and trek to the airport with Mom & Dad through rush hour traffic (oh goody :-) Our level of anxiety is climbing rapidly, but we know we've done everything we can to eliminate as many unknowns as possible. We have that one last decision about which type of valve to select, but we are closing in on that decision quickly. The journey continues ...


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