Monday, September 21, 2009

Forth Day - Third Update

Hello All!

Jon's chest tube was removed today at 1:30. The tech told Jon it would feel like someone kicked him in the gut. Jon didn't feel anything. In fact, Jon's pain is so minimal he commented "Shouldn't I be having more pain?" Like he thought something was wrong. The nurse said that some people are just very lucky and don't have a lot of pain from surgery. Dang surprising when you think of it but hey, as surprises go, we'll take it! Jon's blood pressure at 2:00 today was 105/70, pretty good I'd say. Jon is sporting a lovely Holter monitor but other than that he has nothing connected to him.

Jon's Anasthesiologist (Dr. Mora), stopped by for a visit today. Jon calls her the "Sand Man". He had wanted to speak with her before the surgery but was put under before that could happen. It was very nice of her to take the time from her schedule to visit Jon. She walked in and said "You may not remember me Mr. Spence but I will never forget you". They chatted for a few minutes about how Jon was doing and she talked a few minutes with Mom and left. How nice was that!

I washed Jon's hair today with this funky weird cap thing. Oh well, it worked and Jon doesn't feel so grungy anymore. He'll get to have a proper shower tomorrow.

He sat up this evening to watch Monday night football, some things just don't change. Jon/football.

Jon got to speak to Jessi and Nikki tonight. He was so happy to be able to do that. Just to hear their voices is so healing for him.

Want to hear some great news?

Jon could be breaking out of the hospital either this Thursday or Friday! Can I hear a big Whooooo Hoooooo!

And finally, here's a few words from Jon:

"I'm doing good and feeling all the positive energy and I'm so happy to have lots of people on the journey with me."

More tomorrow.


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