Saturday, September 19, 2009

Second Day - Second Update

Hello everyone, Jon's vitals are looking pretty good. His blood pressure is 117/62 and his heart rate is running between 90-100. Jon only has 2 lines left in, one is saline and the other is for dopamine, this is good, originally he had 6 lines in from surgery plus a few extra ones just in case they were needed. Jon was so very thirsty that he drank too much water too quickly and upset his stomach so he had to have some anti-nausea medicine and Vicki decided to wait before getting him in his chair. The sooner he gets into sitting up the better as it is better for his lungs to expand and clear themselves out to prevent infection. Jon was having pain and when his doctor stopped by (Dr. Capennelli (sp?) I mentioned that I was concerned about Jon's pain. The doctor said that of course he's having pain, we cut his chest open! hehe, I knew that but I thought Jon would be kept at a certain level of medication so pain wouldn't be an issue. I talked with Vicki and what's happening is that Jon will fall to sleep when he gets his pain meds and then when we come in for our visits Jon wakes up and the medication has worn off so he's in pain. Now I understand what is going on and I feel much better. It will be better when Jon's nausea is under control so he can take his pain meds in pill form as they last longer. The pain medicine he is on know is called fentenal and it must be some really good stuff because about 2 minutes after Vicki shoots it into Jon's IV, Jon's eyes start to droop and close and he relaxes. I will get to visit with Jon in another hour, if there is anything to report I'll write more then. deb

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