Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fun Saturday Evening

Hello Everyone,

We had a very nice day. Spent the afternoon with Mom, Dad and Kelly, Molly. Lots of conversation. As this is the last weekend before Jon's surgery, life seems surreal. We know in our minds what is coming but emotionally, it seems we are in some kind of flux. After Mom and Dad, Kelly and Molly left for the evening, Jon and I hooked up with Barb and Dave Karsky. Again, lots of good conversation and exchanging of ideas. The give and take between Barb and Dave and Jon and I is stimulating. Barb and Dave's garden is producing tomatoes at an alarming rate. Funny thing is, Barb is the only person in the Karsky household who enjoys tomatoes. So, I showed Barb how to freeze her bumper crop and she graciously is sharing her crop with the Spences. The coming winter is going to be filled with wonderful soups, stews and lasagnas. I'm hoping that everyone that reads this blog has had the same amount of fun and fellowship as Jon and I did on this Saturday evening.

By the way, would you be interested in purchasing a cookbook? My group (Deb's) at Medtronic have come together to create a cookbook for Camp Odayin. All proceeds, I mean ALL PROCEEDS go to this wonderful charity. Camp Odayin is a camp for children with heart disease and their families. The cookbook contains recipes from a broad cultural background. It contains over 200 recipes from staff from the Medtronic Programmer Software and Verification group. Each cookbook goes for $10.00 and as I said before, ALL PROCEEDS go to Camp Odayin. Won't you do something for someone else, pay it forward. It feels great!

If you want to purchase, 1, 2 or more, shoot me an email at:

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