Saturday, June 5, 2010

Deb's Surgery - Day 4

Another no fun day for Deb. She was more alert today, but not much more. During last evening, she had a pretty high temperature and they ran the full gamut of tests on her to find out why. They checked for pneumonia with blood tests and a chest x-ray. They tested her blood for other infections. Turns out she had a urinary tract infection. They gave her some antibiotics and that seems to have taken care of it. She was up early this morning and called me to fill me on what she could remember. Another tough evening.

I arrived around 8:30 and she was somewhat awake, though still too groggy. Pain seemed to be under control, until she moved. She slept most of the morning until about lunch time. Just before lunch the occupational and physical therapy folks were by to see her. She took a very long walk down the hall the the physical therapy room to try out the stair climbing. We did it together to simulate her getting into the house at home and we passed with flying colors (we've done this before). She sat in the chair and we took another little walk before lunch. She had her food and then back to bed. Unless she is active and doing something, she is asleep. Even when doing something you have to watch her every minute so she doesn't nod off on you.

She received a beautiful flower arrangement from her group at work today -- that really brightened her day. Everyone has been commenting on how pretty it is.

Her nurse stopped in at around 2:30 to tell me that she wouldn't be going home today (which I pretty much knew anyway). She is just too out of it when she doesn't have pain and her pain is so high that it would hard for her to function at home. They will check her at rounds tomorrow and we will see if we can get sprung.

Dinner was uneventful, but she hasn't had much pain med today, so it is catching up with her again. The nurses are working carefully to ease her pain without knocking her out, but she is back to sleep again and still complaining of pain when she is awake. Wow, this is not going to be fun for her at all.

I need to head home for the evening, but I will be back in the morning. Hopefully we will be heading home sometime tomorrow.

Keep the good vibes flowing her way -- she really needs them!



  1. hey sis got a ;ot of faith in you \, you can do this, love you bunches

  2. think i spelled got as not sorry sis need to proof read i think

  3. Ahhh, I am so sorry she is going through all this...I think about her constantly and hope things start on the upswing! thanks so much Jon for keeping us means a lot to follow her progress.
