Thursday, June 3, 2010

Deb's Back Surgery - Day 2

Well, Deb won't be getting out of the hospital today. She is really having a lot of pain and has a ways to go yet before they will green light her to blow this pop stand.

She has been sitting up in a chair and she did go for a walk earlier. However, she went a bit too far and almost passed out getting back to the room. The PT tech had to check her blood pressure and everything to see what happened. We think she just had too much pain and her body decided to start shutting down unnecessary functions, like standing and walking, to save itself. Anyway, we got her back to bed and she took a little siesta. So did I.

She is sitting in the spine chair again and just finished dinner. Now, she is waiting to go for another walk - not so long perhaps and not without a nurse or aide in tow. After that she will be back to bed and I'll be heading home for the evening so we can both get some sleep.

Tomorrow she has to work on climbing a few stairs and more walking. She bet Dad five dollars that she would be out of here tomorrow -- so she is worried about the $5. I told her I'd cover her losses :-) She will either be heading home tomorrow or Saturday. Hard to tell at this point.

Keep wishing her the best and send her good vibes for resolving this nerve pain she continues to have!



  1. Sending prayers and energy! Love u Deb! Hang in there!

  2. Get to climbing those stairs! I want you to that $5.

    Thanks for the update, Jon.

    Good luck today.
