Sunday, June 6, 2010

Deb Comes Home!

Finally, Deb comes home from the hospital. She is very happy to be back in her home and surrounded by familiar things. The cats are happy she is home as well.

Health wise, she is still experiencing high levels of pain and her mobility is pretty limited at present. She can get around once she gets on her feet, but the pain levels in transitions from sitting or laying to standing and vice versa are pretty high impact activities. She had a shower this evening and that helped her to feel a whole bunch better. Nothing like cleaning up to put a new spring in your step.

Barb, Dave, and Kevin Karsky stopped by to say hi and welcome us back home. Barb even ran to the grocery store for us -- very nice of her! Mom and Dad stopped by as well. We are all worried about the pain levels, but there doesn't seem to be much we can do except administer pain meds.

Since we just got home today and due to the continued pain levels and mobility issues, I will be working from home tomorrow so that we can get all settled into a routine and make sure Deb is settled. Depending on how it goes tomorrow, we may have Mom and Dad stay with Deb or at least stop by in the morning to check on her. We shall see how tomorrow goes.

Thanks for all the support and good wishes you've sent Deb -- she needed them and they helped. Keep 'em coming for a bit longer so we can get this pain knocked down and get her healing moving in the right direction.


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