Sunday, September 18, 2011

A "Heartfelt" Poem by Deb for Jon

Second Chances and Restarts
For Jon
by Deb Spence

Two years ago we were told, if not surgery, Jon wouldn't have the chance to grow old.
So we headed to California to give Stanford a try.
We were scared shitless, Dad, Mom, and I.

Dr. Miller was our angel in white; it was comforting talking to him that last night.
Nothing from Guidant per Jon's request. Doc put in a Carbomedics Sorin, For Jon it was the best.

Huddled together just us three, we hung out in the waiting room, Dad, Mom, and me.
Waiting for the nurse to come and give us news, we hung on every word, sometimes worried and sometimes confused.

When Jon went off the heart lung machine, Dad knew that Jon had been through the toughest thing.
His chest was open and he needed a shock or two, but he came through as always like good Jon's do.

It's been two years since this fateful day, Jon is home and healthy, eating whatever he wants, come what may!

Jon, my love I cherish you, for you are my heart and that is for true. Please love and care for that heart, cuz going forward we don't want another restart!

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