Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sixth Week of Recovery

Wow, six weeks since surgery already! I can't believe how fast the time has passed and I'm very happy for how uneventfully it has passed -- I couldn't have asked for a less stressful recovery.

This week I resolved my issues with disability leave and salary continuation. I am now cleared to be out of work until Nov. 29. Based on the way I feel and how well I'm recovering, my current plan is to return to work on Nov. 16 if I am cleared by my doctor next week. I don't expect any issues with getting clearance, but I won't know until I meet with him. I plan to see him on Wednesday, Nov 11 if he is available. I expect to start back for some short days (6 hours) and for only Mon-Thu the first week. The next week is Thanksgiving week, so only a 3 day week there. Then back to full time, full week the week of Nov 30. That is the plan at this point.

I have maintained at least one 30 minute walk a day for most days this past week. The weather was pretty nasty one day, so I only managed one 20 minute walk between downpours that day, and I believe I missed walking completely one day. My walks are pretty brisk and it is nice to get out for some fresh air every day. My endurance seems to be coming back pretty well, but I still need some "breaks" during the day to gather my steam back up.

I made very little progress on my thank you notes this past week, but I did get a couple done. I'll have to put some focus on this soon as I run out of time to get it done.

Deb and I had a very "full" weekend. Friday, Deb attended a Halloween costume contest at Grand Casino in Hinkley. She spent a lot of time on her costume and it was great. She went as a flapper from the 1920s. She was all decked out in purple from her head to her toes. She didn't win, but she had a fun time and she was happy with her costume. On Saturday, we had our friends Dave and Barb over during trick-or-treat time. After that, we all went out for dinner -- my first time out for dinner in quite a while. On Sunday we had a visit from my oldest daughter, Jessica, and our newest grandson, "little" Henry. Henry is only four months old, but he is the size of a sixth month old (or older). He is one cute kid and even though he seems to be working on his first tooth, he was in pretty good spirits and he sure helped my spirits as well! Then we were invited to our neighbor, Mary Joe's, house for the Vikings-Packers game. We had a pot luck there and enjoyed the company of our neighbors and the success of the Vikings. Deb and I stayed until just after half-time and then it was time for me to calm down and take it easy for the rest of the game. We left at just about the time the Pack started to get the momentum back, but once we arrived back at home I was eerily calm about the Vikings chances to get everything back under control and it played out that way. There is just something calming about having Brett Favre on your side of the ball!

That's about it for this week. The upcoming week will be more of the same -- walking, thank yous, stretching myself to gain more endurance, and starting to catch up on work in preparation for getting back in the flow of things.

Counting down the days until I get back to work,


  1. Hey Jon, I am visiting Doug in Oklahoma and he showed me your medical journey blog. It's been quite the trip for you and your family. I am so grateful that you have come through it all in flying colors. About those Packer/Viking games, we will never get used to see our number four in Viking Purple!!!Wishing you well,
    Your long lost Aunt Diana

  2. Diana,

    Good to hear from you and happy to hear that this blog got to Doug in Oklahoma! All of this has been a pretty big surprise to us and it has been good to come through it as well as we have. Hope things are well with you and yours! All is well and getting better here.

    I imagine it is tough to see old number four in purple, but I sure do like it. I don't think we will see Brett in purple for long, but for now he is really making a huge difference in the Vikings level of play!

    Send me yours and Doug's e-mail addresses and i'll add them to my contacts. You never know when life can throw you a curve ball and it is good to be able to stay in touch.

