Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Recovery Weekend

I had a nice first weekend of recovery at home. Still feeling very good and everything seems to be working properly and recovery seems to be still ahead of schedule.

On Friday, we had three visitors. Jeff Rouleau stopped by to say hi and he brought us a nice plant with a fall theme. Jeff replaced me as chair of the Science & Technology conference at Medtronic this year due to my unexpected absence. Jeff thought he was going to be co-chair this year and learn the process of leading and programming the conference. Surprise, he finds himself completing the work I started so many months ago, and still looking ahead to chairing next year's conference! Jeff tells me that things are coming together very well with a few loose ends to tie up. We discussed the chances of me attending the conference for a short visit. Assuming I'm feeling well enough on Friday of this week, I will try to do just that. While I'm at Mounds View, I'll stop by to say hi to some other folks as well. Don't expect to be able to visit for too long, but it will be nice to see some folks I haven't seen in a while!

Also on Friday, Mohamed Kone and his wife stopped by to say hi. Mohamed brought us one of the Bellatore pizza's we really like. We had a very nice visit with both of them. Later on Friday, our good friends from the lake, Dave and Barb Karsky stopped by to reconnect with us. We have missed seeing them since we've been gone and it was good to share a drink and conversation with them (even if I can't drink myself :-)

On Saturday, my manager from Medtronic, Lori, stopped by to say hi and to drop off a card signed by my co-workers and some money my work group collected for us to use on my recovery. Lori filled me in one where my work team was headed and how things were going and I let her know how well things were going for me. We talked about my surgery and our time in California. Both of us want me to get back just as soon as I'm really ready to do so!

Also on Saturday, my sister Kelly and her partner Molly stopped by to catch up with us. Mom and Dad stopped by to visit at the same time. We had a nice visit and it gave us a chance to thank Kelly and Molly for the wonderful basket of fruit they sent us. Saturday ended on a good, and tiring note.

And, if that wasn't enough, Deb and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary on Saturday! We decided to shift our "celebration" of the day to some time after I'm back to work and really up and around again.

Sunday has been a day just for Deb and I, as Deb prepares to start back to work full-time tomorrow. She has been busy making apple butter, taking care of chores around the house, and just generally wearing herself out. She's catching a quick nap right now and we will order dinner out later. I'm watching football and the Twins and generally taking it easy. I've taken two walks today already and plan to take one more before dark. My strength is coming back and other than my low blood pressure because of the dose of beta-blockers they have me on, I'm feeling very good for someone just over two weeks out of open heart surgery!

And the recovery goes on!


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