Thursday, August 29, 2013

Life throws a curve ball!

Well, life is always good for a curve ball isn't it.  Our journey is going to take a small detour now!

This week we got some not so great news about Dad's health.  He went in Tuesday this week to Fairview Southdale for an angiogram and a probable angioplasty for what they believed was a blockage in his coronary arteries.  What they found was that his arteries in general are very calcified and too calcified it turns out for stents.  So, there are more test to be run, but it looks like he will be having open heart surgery in the next 2-3 weeks with a triple or possibly quadruple bypass and possibly some other work on his carotid arteries with a slight chance they may have to do something with his aorta.  We don't have a firm plan of attack yet - he is currently waiting for all the dye they shot into his system to be processed out so they can do a cat scan on his carotid arteries and his aorta.  Once we have all that, then he will decide where and when he wants this done.  We will be there with him and Mom as they face this and we will help anyway we can.

Keep Dad and Mom in your thoughts and prayers and we will update you as we have more info.

Jon & Deb