Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Spence's!

As we get older and older the years seem to speed by faster and faster; 2009 is no exception. This year has been a year of strengthening for Jon and me. This past Summer Jon found that he was born with a birth defect in his heart. His aortic valve which when normal is tricuspid (3 flaps), Jon's was bicuspid, only having 2 flaps and they were extremely calcified. So in September we (along with Jon's parents), flew to Stanford University in Palo Alto California and Jon underwent open heart surgery. Jon's recovery has gone extremely well. He does tend to get tired more easily but that in time should pass. I think for the rest of my life I will be watchful over Jon as he is my life and sole mate. I don't ever think I can thank Jon's parents for coming California to help Jon and I through this wrenching time in our lives. On the day of surgery, Mom, Dad and I sat together in the ICU waiting room. I drew strength from the both of them and cannot imagine what it would have been like if they had not been there. I also want to mention how touched are to have the family, friends, co-workers and neighbors we have. During Jon's surgery and recovery, everyone in our neighborhood and all of our friends, family and co-workers reached out in one way or another to help. We both feel very blessed.

We are bursting at the seams with pride as another grandson has joined the family. Henry Heiken was born 2:01 am on June 26, 2009 to his proud mom and dad, Jessi and Luke. I've said it before and I will say it again, grandkids are the best gig in the world. Henry has this incredible full body smile and when he smiles at me I am overjoyed. Jacob continues to bring joy to our lives as well and seems to be growing like a weed and smarter every time we see him. A few weeks ago Jon and I, Jessi, Luke and Henry, and Nikki and Jacob went to the annual Medtronic Children's Christmas party. What a great day it was. So much fun and we were so proud when familiar co-workers passed by to point out to them that these two fine boys were our grandsons. I really do believe that we have the cutest and smartest grandsons in the world.

Out yearly home improvement project this year was to put in a bar in the game room. A shout out to Kelly for her hand in this endeavor. In April we broke in the bar with a bar christening. What a great time was had by all. The bar is something Jon and I both wanted and we think that it adds some fun to our home. We love to have our friends over for cocktails and to chat.

This past year we lost our dear pet Sophie. She was a beautiful cat with a sweet disposition. She is dearly missed. We have added a new member to our family and have adopted Nikki and Jacob's cat Dakota. We love him very much; he is all male and brings a lot of love and laughter to our home.

Mom and Dad went back to Marco Island Florida in October and will be coming back to Minnesota in May. I find it very strange that the time between May and October goes so quickly and the time between October to May goes so slowly. We both miss Mom and Dad when they are in Florida. This year however, Jon and I will be visiting them in January which will make the time till May much shorter this year.

I have spent many, many hours this year working on canning and crafting and managed to make all of our christmas gifts for our family this year. Jon himself has taken up a new hobby or at least he's giving it a try. Last week he took his first electric guitar lesson. I always knew Jon was a rocker but I didn't know he wanted to learn how to play until a long car ride several months ago to Iowa. Searching my mind for something to say and keep a conversation going during the long ride, I asked Jon if he could do any profession in the world what would it be. He said, he wanted to be a guitar player in a rock and roll band. So, he's taking lessons. Good for him. Never stop learning and using your brain muscle.

As I draw this letter to a close, I am in my craft room looking out on the lake where a snowmobile is racing across the lake. I can't help be in wonder as I know that in about 3 1/2 months we will be putting the pontoon back in the water.

In closing, Jon and I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

Jon and Deb Spence